Friday, April 20, 2012

Similarities, Differences, and Judgements


  1. Buona sera signore, I have looked over a few things on your blog. I noticed that you grew up in Paris, I didnt grow up there but i did tour there and perform in the Paris Opera. Just like you i also had to compete with other dancers of my time, but i did end up making a name for myself as you have. Another similarity we have is our "mentors" made a big impact on our lives and helped us alot in our careers. We both started refining our skill at a young age also.
    The differences between us is i got a little to involved with my mentor, *laughs* you will have to read more about that on my page. I grew up in Italy and have an italian background. Im a bit younger than you born in 1819 a littler later in your time, you were probably farther in your career then i was considering i was only a toddler. We have different talets thats obvious instead of playing a role by acting i expressed the role through dancing.
    Even though we have different talents i admire what i have read about you and all your accomplishments such as your books seem great. Id love to read them and learn something new.

  2. Dear Pierre de Marivaux,

    What a pleasure it has been my dear reading so much fascinating information about you. My name is Hannah Pritchard, and it might surprise you to know that the two of us have quite a bit in common. For one, you and I both had fantastic mentors that took us under their caring, and quite talented wings. My mentor being my darling David, and yours being Antoine Houder de La Matte. Another thing you and I have in common is that we both enjoyed light hearted work as opposed to the heavy, depressing work of tragedies. Also the time in which we were artists was both beneficial to us, all the economic and social activity of the time gave you something to write about, and the Industrial Revolution brought many people to the cities. Therefor more people were able to come see my plays at more affordable prices. Perhaps the most odvious similarity is that we were both involved in an element of theatre.

    However this also leads me to speak of our differences. While yes, we were both involved in theatre, you are a writer and I am an actress. You do the behind the scenes work, and build the bases of what people like me are able to do with their artistic talent. Therefor I perform what wonderful people like you write for me. Another more simple difference between the two of us is our roots, where we come from. I am Brittish and have lived in England all of my life. You however, are a true Parisian. I would suspect where we come from influences the kind of art we do.

    I truly admire your work as an artist. I am so glad you got the opportunity to write for the Mercure. And I genuinely wish I could have gotten the opportunity to perform some of your comedic works such as: Le Triomphe de l'amour, Le Jeu de l'amour et du Hasard, and Les Fausses Confidences


  3. Dear M. Marivaux,

    Bonjour! Je m'appelle Étienne-Nicholas Méhul. I am a French Composer and musician. I was reading your blog, and I had noticed that you and I had alot of similarities during our time. I have noticed that you, fine sir, have written alot of plays. I write operas. Operas sort of follow the same concept of plays, only I add vocal structure and you do not. I just have to add that I am very impressed with your work. I, for one, love Le Triomphe de l’amour! It is quite Fantastique! Anyway, I believe that you and I had used the war to really show our true potential for the things that we loved to do. Because of the war I had been able to create pieces for Napolean! All the economic, social, and political hardship gave you something to write about and for moi it gave me something to write about musicaly.

    Although we have our similarities, doesn't everyone have differences? I have noticed, by reading your blog, that you preferred exciting good feeling work. I, on the other hand, did not. I was the first composer to be called "Romantic". Not the lovey dovey kind, but a time period where art was used to express your feelings, and I was a very dramatic composer *laughs*. I feel that our overall style of our glorious work was quite different indeed. A very simple difference between us artists is where we grew up. You grew up in france and I grew up in Givet.

    Although are styes are differnt. I admire the emotion you give off in your work!

    -Étienne-Nicholas Méhul

  4. Mr. Marivaux, it is so nice to see another writer! Ha-ha! And indeed you are a fantastic writer at that. Like me, you have written many comedies. They are a joy to write, am I wright? Ha-ha! You see what I did there? ;)
    Anyways, we have our similarities which include us both being writers. Playwrights and novelists. Although I was able to finish all of my novels! Ha-ha. We also have a similar writing style in our comedies.
    We have many differences though. You are from France, I from England. You also write in French and I write in English! Ha! That one was obvious... Back to what I was saying, you also write a lot more than me. You wrote between 30 to 40 plays and more than 5 novels. Very impressive. I only wrote about 20 plays and 2 novels. But I guess you just had more time to spare! Ha-ha.
    I believe we will get along just fine. I've been having a lot of fun with you. Hope to hear from you soon!

    1. Nice to finally see another writer! We both write comedies. I examined some of your plays in fact, and their not so hot... but after all, amateurs need their practice! We also write very similarly with our beloved comedies. I can tell you adore comedy and work that makes you feel good almost as much as I do, if not just as much as I do.
      We were born in different places obviously. You are from England... (chuckle) and I am of course from France. See, I can tell I am more passionate at the art I do because I have written a lot more than you... You are obviously not as serious about your career as me but thats okay! Not everybody wants to make top-notch money :).
      Well, it was nice looking over your information and learning about you and your background. Talk to you soon!

  5. Hello Mr.Marivaux, I am very intirested in your story. I too am a writer but not of plays, of music. Unlike you starting out in France I did in Massachusetts. I have five daughters and son but you only have one daughter. I love my family. We have more differences then similarities. You seem like a very impressive writer and glad to find out more about you.

    Sincerly, Mr.William Billings.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Buon giorno, come stai? Mr. Marivaux. I really enjoyed your story. There is a difference between you and me and is pretty much that I am a Romantic dancer and choreographer and you are a playwright. Even so my work could be seen as both similar and different from what you do. What I mean is that for years I was a dancer, performing on stage for multitudes of people, differing from you because you are not a performer. But then as I grew older life alone put me on the other side of the business. Being a choreographer and being a playwright is basically the same thing, because even though is a totally different form of art the work of the choreographer is to tell a story through someone else’s body that is going to be put on stage, and that is very similar to what the writer does.
    Some other similarities that we share are that we both got married with beautiful women and we were both given beautiful daughters. In fact I also have a son but who counts right? (Laughs). We both started in arts at relatively young ages. You wrote your first play when you were eighteen and I made my debut when I was seventeen. Another similarity is that you like to write about stuff that is different, even if is not what the people really likes. For me my choreographies were different from what was seen before. They were exotic and unrealistic, and even though in my case that was what the people wanted I can picture myself in an scenario were is not like that. So in that sense I can relate to you in having a different kind of taste.
    I don’t see so many differences between you and me, but I the obvious one I can think of is the place where we are from. I am from Italy and you are from France. But I don’t think that means much since I spent a lot of time dancing for the Paris Opera Ballet so I know how life is in France. Another difference is that from what I see your family wasn’t that involved in arts at all, but my family we were just pure dance tradition. But anyways I think I would like to see your work. I really appreciate your taste for the different because I am that kind of a person. Also I really admire how you got back to writing even after your wife died. That’s pure love for what you do!

    -Filippo Taglioni

  8. Hello Mr. Marivaux. I have just read about you and I have noticed some things we have in common and some things we have that are different.
    Starting with the similar things. We are both from France. Also, we both are interested in things that have to do with plays. Except for you write them and I act in them.
    On to the Differences. You got started, or noticed, at a later age. I started when I was about 4 years old. Also, like I mentioned before, you are a writer and I am an actress.
    I agree with you that the Revolutionary period was quite odd. But i love my life and wouldnt ever change it. Which reminds me, we both admire ourselves very much. Ha ha. Well that is all.


  9. Mr.Marivaux

    I have enjoyed reading your blog even though we have little similarities and many differences. We both were involved in theatre. Maybe I performed one of the plays you wrote. We also both started out in our profession as teenagers. Even though we lived in different countries, we both lived in major citites.

    I can't forget about the differences! I live in London while you live in Paris. even though we were both involved in the arts, you wrote plays and I Performed in them. I hope to talk to you soon and maybe read one of your plays in the meantime!
